Holly Renald Cohn


Oil painting 'Explosion'

Explosion, oil on canvas
24 x 48 inches, 2006, NFS


Holly died in 2014, but her paintings live on. Displayed on this website are many of the paintings she produced in her last 20 years. All have now been sold, donated or acquired by friends and relatives.


Maps & Places        Trees        Nature        Home & Studio       Variations

catalog of the collection       résumé


Her Artist's Statement ~ My paintings are a journey into an abstraction of visual reality, focusing on landscape, views from my studio window and fascination with plant forms found in my garden. I look at subject matter in a new way, exploring color, shape, line and movement into new relationships, creating an interpretive look of something familiar. The reality remains recognizable but challenges the viewer to experience the "scene" in terms of exhilarating color, interesting shapes, directional line and connecting patterns. The work has an expressive and intuitive character that conveys participation in the surrounding world.

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© 2019 Bert M Cohn